Saturday, March 20, 2021

Speech By H.H Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi, Birthday Puja Calcutta (India), 21 March 1994.

In our own life we see that our surroundings change very slowly. Sometimes it is shocking; sometimes you are surprised how the surroundings are not changing. But, in a subtle way, there is a tremendous change that is happening within us and without. The whole atmosphere today is governed by human beings. I don’t know how far Paramchaitanya works it out, but it is for us to open ourselves to new dimensions in our lives.

      For example, if we find we still have… through our introspection we locate that we have these old, subtle, nonsensical things still hanging around us, we don’t have to vow for it. You have to just witness it, and the destructive path it is taking you to. Immediately you will give up. You don’t have to worry as to put a vow upon yourself, because now you are “samartha” [capable], meaning now you are absolutely empowered. Whatever you think is wrong, your attention itself on it will slowly, gradually remove the doubts about having those problems, those connections, conditions and ego that are lingering still. Definitely you will drop them. With your attention it will run away.

       Then you will realise that every day your attention is getting purified, getting powerful, getting compassionate. Normally, whatever reaction you have in your attention just disappears, and you start witnessing the whole thing, and your power of attention, through that witnessing force, acts and it works. It works not only on you, but on everything that surrounds you.

       Firstly, through your meditation, in that state of meditation, you expand within yourself. You stay in the present. The other day, somebody asked me, “Where was Your last birthday?” I just forgot where it was. Otherwise, my memory is very good, like an elephant. But this I forgot. Perhaps, every time, every day, you live in the present and you grow, so you forget when and where this growth has taken place.

       My own growth has been like this that every time I go to a place, I find very nice new people coming in and some of the horrible ones from the old lot disappearing. It’s something like, when the tree grows, the leaves go on falling and new leaves start coming. But in Sahaja Yoga, it’s something different I find, that on the tree of Sahaja Yoga very few, very, very few leaves fall off, and you sometimes face a lush garden of beautiful people.

      To me, it’s like a miraculous firework. It starts like a small line and then opens up into several beautiful patterns. It is impossible to envisage or to visualise what will happen to us, to Sahaja Yoga and to all of you.


Birthday Puja. 

Calcutta (India), 21 March 1994.

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